Best time to post on Instagram

Best time to post on Instagram

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the last few years. It is probably one of the most used social media platforms by the current generation. However, with a large number of active users on this platform, posting tons of posts on Instagram, it actually becomes challenging to make your post visible to your potential users.

Instagram gives the most priority to the posts that are made by users who are family and friends. Hence, there is less potential for business posts to be found in the queues. It does not pay attention to the business posts as it tends to take the attention of people away from the app. In order to become successful on Instagram, businesses are required to be very strategic in their actions.

Apart from paying attention to creating some admirable and stunning posts for Instagram, businesses need to be aware of the time when people mostly use their accounts, but it should not be the time when people mostly upload their content on Instagram. So you need to know when is the best time to post on Instagram or the day so that it can result in improved reachability and visibility.

When is the best time to post on Instagram?

Your landing on this page makes it clear that you are certainly hoping to get the correct time for making an Instagram post. However, as social media platforms are incredibly challenging, providing you with time is not very simple. You have to be very experimental when you’re working with social media platforms.

As I have done a lot of research and studies to find out the best time to make an Instagram post, always keep in mind that it entirely depends on the time zone. All the posts do not use a similar time zone. However, most of the research that I have done has been surveyed in central time. US to make it easier for you to understand.

It can be guessed that you would undoubtedly post more than once a week, and hence, here, we will find out the best days to post and the best time to post on Instagram.

Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days to post on Instagram.

Best time to post on Instagram: 

  • 4 to 10 AM on Tuesday
  • 10:53 AM on Wednesdays.
  • 2 PM on Fridays.

However, it is always better to select a wider time frame for different studies rather than wait for the best time to post on Instagram. As you will post more than once every week, the chances of success are always higher.

Why is it important to look for the best time to post on Instagram? 

Instagram has always wanted to improve its user experience. This is the reason why this social media platform keeps tweaking the algorithm so that it is able to provide the right content that users are looking for. This again makes it critical for you to maintain the time in order to get rank on the feeds with newer features.

So following are some of the most critical factors that are important for ranking higher.

  • Relationship: Accounts and posts that are most frequently interacted with on Instagram will consistently rank better on the feed.
  • Recency: Recent Instagram posts will always get prioritized and will rank higher on feeds over weeks and days.
  • Interest: Posts that have the same content that you have previously seen or have an interest in will mostly appear on top of the feed.

Recency is one of the significant factors in post ranking, especially on Instagram. Hence, it is again vital to choose the correct time for posting so that it becomes more prominent.

When active people see that particular post, it increases engagement within the first few hours of posting. Depending on this, the algorithm will decide how many feeds you can make to improve your engagement and appearance.

So, what does it mean?

It specifically means that you require being very strategic while choosing the correct time to post on Instagram to improve saves, shares, comments, and likes. You have to do it when your audiences are most active.

Give Priority to Engagement On Instagram

Even when most businesses are different, they have a common aim to create more engagement as possible on their account. If you look at the traditional Instagram approach, engagement generally includes comments and likes. However, recently, people have started adding shares, messages, and views as well. However, in order to improve engagement on your Instagram account, you need to be very spontaneous and actively participate in IGTV and stories.

So, it is apparent that you will not be able to find a clear definition of engagement, but it definitely includes different sorts of interaction between customers or followers and businesses.

Data has shown a fascinating fact about the average post. It has been mentioned that the average Instagram post gets around 14,869 likes. If you check your Instagram account statistics, you will get delusionized by this fact. However, this number is specifically for viral posts that have been shared by several influencers.

It has been estimated that the medium likes received on Instagram posts are around a hundred, which means that half of the posts receive less than a hundred likes.

What are the primary differences between compelling content and content?

One of the interesting facts that have been figured out from these figures is the content. While doing research, it is also found that people pay significantly less attention to creating content. There are many people who are just creating content for the sake of making it. Remember that creating compelling content will definitely perform better and will generate more engagement rate. 

However, if you are creating content just for the matter of fact that you need to post on a regular basis without paying much effort, it will hardly get you any results. So, you always need to add good content at different hosting times. If you have the ability to create compelling content but you are sharing at the wrong time, unfortunately, you will not find much engagement. And if people don’t find your content, they will not share it, Comment on it or like it. 

So, just as compelling content is much required, you should also pay attention to the time. Over the years, you will find several amazing pieces of content shared on the Instagram profile that have also vanished simply because nobody has even seen it or got the opportunity to find it. However, watching the current competition, this trend is going to be more relevant with the changing algorithm on Instagram.

Best time to post on Instagram

Several organizations in the last few decades have made several investigations. This is done with the sole intention of finding out the right time to post on Instagram. Since it is done for different purposes, the chances are more likely that they would not completely agree with each other. However, it has shown some clear trends.

Most common consideration to make when it is about finding the best time on Instagram.

As most businesses are looking forward to finding the correct information, here are some of the significant considerations that you need to choose or keep in mind while making an Instagram post.

  • Right day of the week

There can be a lot of changes in engagement on Instagram, even when it is the same post at different times of the day. Even at the same time on different days of the week, you will experience different engagements. For example, you might find 5 AM as one of the highest times to get engagement as people mainly check their phone when they wake up during the morning while they are in the working week. This means that on the weekdays from Monday to Friday, people will mostly check the Instagram post during early hours compared to weekends. But Monday can still have low engagement as people generally rush when the week gets started.

  • During their break times

You will again find people checking the Instagram post while they get breaks on their work day. It is mainly during their lunchtime. Similarly, people start getting more interested in social media platforms during the late afternoon, and mostly towards the end of the day, they visit Instagram to find out the current news and reels. 

  • Make proper use of the time zones.

When you widen your job graphical spread, it gets less critical to the posting time. However, if the target audience is based on one location, you have to make sure that you properly use the time zone and then post on Instagram. Your Instagram post will always be defined with engagement, but only when you choose the correct time zone depending on the location.

If you have a plan to make a post on Instagram during the week, you have to find out the time when most of your audience is awake or just getting up. This way, you need to prioritize your time.

  • Always follow specific target group

When it comes to getting more engagement, it is always recommended to follow the best practice. Especially when you are looking for the right posting time on Instagram, choosing the correct practice will only eat the best result. However, if the audience group is slightly different from any typical audience, following these posting times will become irrelevant to the account.

If you own a business Instagram account like an influencer or business, you will definitely have access to Instagram inside. You can simply check the followers’ section on Instagram insight, and you will find out information regarding the most active time of your audience on the platform. This will again help you to understand the correct posting practices.

  • Posting frequency on Instagram:

It is always recommended to post regularly. If you have a business, Instagram appears, and you would want to make it look fresh. You can post a maximum of 3 posts on Instagram every day. However, it is always better to share different variants of posts so that it does not become monotonous for your target group of audience.

Creating different types of posts will also help your target audience to understand that you are not just posting with the intention of selling. So paying attention to quality posts rather than bulk posting on Instagram is always recommended.

  • Choose timing depending on your business vertical:

Don’t be confused as in order to find out the best time to post on Instagram, you would need to dig deeper. Remember that not all sectors will be able to experience similar engagement with a post at the same time. So here is some data that has been collected about the best time to post on Instagram, depending on different sectors.

  • Media companies can experience the best results when they post at 8 AM on Wednesdays.
  • B2C companies can experience incredible results when they post between 12:49 AM on Saturdays.
  • Educational institutes will be able to experience the best results when they choose to post at 10 AM on Fridays.
  • The Health care Institute will be able to enjoy the best results when they post at 1 AM on Mondays.
  • Non-profit organizations will be able to enjoy great results when they post from 10 AM – 3 PM on weekdays.
  • Tech companies can find the best results when they post on Instagram at 8 AM on Wednesdays and 10 AM on Fridays.
  • Consumer goods companies will be able to experience the maximum results when they post at 11 AM and 1 PM on Saturdays.

How to properly use multiple times to post on Instagram?

The more you start using Instagram for your business posting, the more you will get to know that there is no such single best time or day in a week that you can choose to post. After using tools, you will be able to get some detailed insight that would help you to take the right actions.

If you want, you can also make multiple posts in a day. If you have a creative team who can take care of creating multiple excellent posts in a day, you can definitely do so. But for any social media manager or a marketing agency, it can be really tedious to keep posting on Instagram in different time slots. This is even more tedious when they need to handle various social media accounts.

So you can either give up on posting on different time slots, or you can choose a single time in a day to manually post. However, when you choose the former, it can result in losing engagement. This is when you need to look for tools or a social media content management tool.

These tools are developed and designed in a way so that you can publish different content in different time slots. You can customize the times or days and keep the Instagram post published at the right time and enjoy better engagement.


When you constantly strive to improve your Instagram engagement, finding zero engagement can be annoying. All the efforts that you have been putting into creating Instagram posts will be in vain if there is no engagement.

However, now that you have knowledge about the most common reasons, hopefully, you will be able to take the right steps. Make sure you choose the correct method and post at the right times to enjoy the engagement you deserve. However, your efforts must be consistent in order to find results.

Always make sure that you provide striking visuals in your post so that your audience can enjoy the better engagement. However, always keep in mind that even when you choose to post at the best time, sometimes it is to your luck.

If your content is still not able to get the kind of engagement that you’re willing or aspiring to, you might need to start producing great quality posts. Start making use of a range of tools so that you can post multiple Instagram posts.


When should I post on Instagram in the morning or at night?

According to the data, it has been observed that when you post in the morning, it will provide better results compared to night hours as people have the tendency to check their Instagram feed when they wake up or while they are commuting to their work station.

When should you definitely not post on Instagram?

To improve engagement, you need to find out the best time to post on Instagram. However, even if you are not able to choose the best time, you should always know that posting on Instagram after 2 PM on weekends is definitely not going to bring any results. As audiences are mostly out and socializing, they would spend less time on your Instagram feed.

Which is the best day to post on Instagram?

Tuesday is considered The best day to make an Instagram post. As Monday is a generally busy day of the week since it is the start of the week, people mostly stay busy. However, you can also choose to post on other weekdays during the morning time to get the engagement that you desire.

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