10 Amazing ways to create social media contents that can drive results

Social media analytics

In 2022, we are all aware of the power of social media platforms. Whether you have a business or an individual who wants to grow your popularity, nothing can be better than making smart use of social media. These platforms have made it easier for everyone to become a star and enjoy great results.

Social media is one of the most important aspects of the daily routine of common people. It has been found that, on average, individuals spend 1 to 2 hours of their day on social media. 70% of people use Facebook at least once a day. While the number can greatly vary from one social media platform to another, you must always make the best use to enjoy great results.

Social media platforms are one of those unique platforms that provide us the opportunity to interact with a range of people, connect with brands and share valuable information. It is one of the best ways to bridge the gap between customers and businesses. This is the reason why it is one of the most important aspects of business, and hence some of the biggest and leading businesses in this industry have started prioritizing social media strategy.

But is it as easy as it sounds? The answer is no.

Until now, most business owners and social media marketers have known that it is not easy to get a considerable amount of traffic by creating engaging content. Since you need to be very creative while creating content on a constant basis, it can be difficult. This is primarily a challenging task when you have to make posts on a daily basis to reach the target and stay relevant.

Besides, since more than 3.8 billion users are found throughout social media networks, what are you doing if you’re not leveraging the potential? As the number of mobile devices is continuously growing, it is time for every business owner to improve their traffic and conversion rate by paying attention to social media content.

With such a huge number of users, businesses can easily access thousands and millions of potential customers when they are active on the social media platform. However, it not only requires the right strategy but also needs you to create the best and most engaging content that will attract your potential customers to your business.

So, today we will share some of the most effective steps to help you create good and engaging social media content.

Use more video and less text:

Have you ever stopped scrolling on any social media platform by reading a huge text on the wall? The answer is probably no, irrespective of how much you like that account or the profile. But, it is very sure that you might have stopped scrolling when you found something. Really intriguing. 

You must be thinking about what I’m trying to say. Well, long story short, you have to make sure that your story is very straightforward and clear. When you’re using social media platforms for marketing your brand, the thumb rule is to add a video or image to every post that you post on the social media platform.

You have to be very creative for your brand and create stories that are relevant and attractive. Post intriguing videos and photos that speak of your company and creativity to the audience. It is one of the best ways to improve the comments and likes on your stories.

Use your photography skill: 

Now that you know that you have to use some imagery in the post that you make on social media platforms, you also must understand that using stock photos is not recommended. If all these days you have been using stock photos on your post, it is time that you should stop. Well, you must be thinking why, as it looks charming and they are readily available. Right?

The reason is that stock photos would not perform as great as authentic images would. This is the reason why it could be a better thing for search engine optimization. In order to make sure and gain credibility from your potential customers, you need to post actual photos. Rather than choosing the top-performing stock photos, you can also just click something from your phone and post it, and it will have more activities. If you want to stay relevant, you need to use the actual pictures. 

Here are some statistics that you would like to know. 35% of visitors are most likely to sign up when they find an actual photo. In a recent study, it was estimated that 62% customers mentioned that they need high-quality product images to make their purchasing decision.

Following are some tips to create unique images for social media:

  • You can hire a local photographer to take some photos of your company or business.
  • You can also take pictures on your own using your high-end smartphone and some props.
  • You must check that the images match the text around them. Your photo should tell customers about the point that you are trying to convey.

Reuse the evergreen content: 

Do you know that humans have a property or attribute of remembering visual content longer than text content? Humans can retain information for 65% longer when it is in the form of visuals.

If you want to benefit from this, you can start repurposing the best content present on your website and convert it into graphs, charts, social media, images, and infographics. All you need is to include visual aspects in your content. 

While you’re creating graphics for the evergreen content, keep in mind these tips.

  • You must showcase the main point of your content.
  • Try to pull out quotes from the content and create them in a shareable format.
  • Use some of the primary and helpful tools and templates to create high-quality graphics.

Your evergreen content on your website has certainly made a huge success and which is why you consider it as evergreen content. So rather than leaving it as it is, you must try to make out as much as possible from one content.

Share the reviews and testimonials of your customers:

 If you take yourself as an example, while you’re about to buy a product, you certainly want to learn in detail about it before you make any decision. When you search for the information, how can you trust someone whom you have never seen or have tested their products before? Well, in the online world, nothing can be better than sharing reviews and testimonials of previous customers for a brand.

70% of the people who want to make a purchase would say that they mostly trust online reviews, and the other 67.7% have said that it directly impacts their purchasing decision. When they find descriptive and honest reviews from the users, it helps them decide whether they should go for the brand. The more you share reviews, the more trust you gain from your new customers. 

In fact, a study has already shown that 72% of customers would definitely not make a purchase until they find a review. So it says everything to you as a marketer. You need to show all the happy customers as it works as a powerful magnet for your new customers.

You must choose to highlight the reviews from satisfied customers about the service and products so that people start trusting and loving your brand. Make sure you pick some of the best reviews and testimonials, design them in a readable format and then post them with a catchy tagline on your social media platform.

Research for visual trends: 

Now that you know that visual contents have more impact compared to text, you may be working forward to posting a lot of visuals on your social media profile. However, before you start doing any of such things, you should know and research the visuals that would work and wouldn’t.

Check out the visual trends that are taking place on social media platforms or Google. You will be able to find out in detail about the trends. Apart from this, you can also use social media analytics to find out which visual content has performed the best in the last few months.

Following are some of the most effective tips to help you understand the most effective visual trends.

  • You can visit the most Repinned page on Pinterest, as this page will show the pins to you that your users mostly love.
  • You can search for the most popular hashtags that are running on Instagram. If you find a certain hashtag that has a vast number of posts, you can follow it to improve your engagement. However, make sure that the hashtag is relevant to your company and post.
  • Make sure that you properly search on Google about popular image trends.
  • Use Instagram and Facebook insight to learn more about the post data performing amazingly and use it for your upcoming social media strategy.

Start tagging bloggers and influencers in your message: 

You can use the quotes from the influencers in a proper way on your blog, as it can spark engagement. However, you must not stop here. You should always acknowledge and credit the influencer by quoting and mentioning their name on social media. This way, not only will you get appreciation from the inferences or bloggers, but also your customers will get a positive vibe about your brand.

Make sure that you search for relevant bloggers and influencers. You should always choose people who are associated with your industry, as the vast customer base or viewers will be beneficial for your business. So make sure that not only do you choose the right influencers along, but you also use their coach and appreciate them to enjoy.

Don’t forget to add social media buttons to the newsletters:

You must know that email and social media can work. The best when you use it hand-in-hand. Adding social media icons to the email newsletter is one of the most effective ways to improve your audience. Using them together can help you to get improved reactions. This generally works because readers hardly scan words in emails, but buttons typically stand out due to the colors being eye-catching and attractive.

So, before you start sending the newsletter, take time to add the favorite social media button that your customers can tap and get redirected to your profile. It is not only beneficial but also can help your customers to get knowledge about your profile and find the details.

Add riddles, quizzes, and puzzles to connect with your users:

No denying that visual contents are desirable, but you can also take a step ahead. If you have already started panicking about the 200 assignments you need to complete within a month and a half to get improved traffic, you can always mix and match different posts to enjoy better results.

You can understand the best kind of posts that your users are looking forward to by using polls or quizzes. You can also create puzzles and riddles associated with your brand to help them stay connected. You must know that quizzes and riddles are irresistible. Once your users, irrespective of the industry you belong to, read the puzzles or riddles, they will be unable to take a step back until they solve them.

So, use your creativity to create quizzes and puzzles, depending on your industry, to keep your users attracted to your profile.

Write spicy industry news: 

Your potential customers are always looking forward to finding some information that is different from what they have already seen. So, you can use the current event based on your industry that your audience mostly likes and use them to create industry news. You can start producing more and more content depending on the industry you are in to improve authority and brand SEO.

So, whether users want to share your opinion or if it is news from your industry that you would like to share. You must be confident about it. Once you have gained proper knowledge, use your skill to create a piece of appropriate industry news that will help to achieve a huge amount of traffic to your website.

Choose the correct hashtags: 

As we know by now, hashtags play a huge role in social media content. So, it is a definite need for marketers. However, it can be really tricky to get the right hashtags for your industries on social media. With a vast number of hashtags getting popular on social media, it can really become challenging to find one.

So, one of the best ways to find the correct hashtags for your post and industry is to search with the industry and check out the popular trend. Use all the popular hashtags running on the platform and create content on a regular basis to gain a considerable amount of traffic and engagement from social media. You can use the hashtag strategy for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Be creative and use the correct social media strategy to create social media content.

So, these are the top 10 best ways to create engaging social media content for your industry and businesses. While there are several powerful tools available in the market that can help you to make good and engaging social media content and find ideas, it is always recommended to use your creativity. With effort and creativity, you will be able to increase brand awareness and traffic.

Remember that viewers or customers are not looking forward to finding the same information over and over again. They would need something new and spicy that would keep them attracted. So even when you have the same information, try to portray it in a range of visual formats.

However, if you need more clarification about social media SEO and how to create the best social media content, it is better that you choose an expert. Since social media optimization requires knowledge, you need to be very strategic and smart. If you’re looking for one such experienced social media expert, you can choose digital Habibi. With years of experience, I have gained the expertise that can be utilized and helps businesses to grow in this ever-changing and dynamic world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can content help to go ahead of the competition?

Yes. If you are able to create the right content at the right time, You will be able to find a massive leap in your approach. It can help you to go ahead of the competition along with retaining your position. When you can please your potential customers, they will always move forward to finding you when it comes to choosing a product, service, or information.

From where can I find insight into social media performance? 

You will be able to get detailed knowledge of the performance by using analytical tools. Apart from this, social media platforms themselves provide some of the best and most precise insight into performance. 

How much time does it take to find results? 

There is no such specific answer to this, as it strongly depends on the type of content you’re creating and the competition in your industry. However, I can only say that you need to be very strategic and have a smart approach. Since social media is one of the most active platforms, you will be able to find results only when you create something different from others in your industry.

Should I choose a social media marketer? 

If you are constantly active in your business and have to take care of the core operations, choosing an experienced social media marketer is better. Since they have their knowledge and have been in this industry for a long time, they cannot only optimize your social media but also make sure to create some fantastic social media content that will help you to get improved results.

Meta: Are you looking for the best way to create social media content? 

Here are some of the most effective strategies you can choose to create amazing content on social media.  

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